FIRE Station Fun – Final Day Of Work

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Today is the day.  The day I put to bed my corporate career of almost 27 years for early retirement. I am looking forward to travel, board work, investing, and goofing off!

There have been a lot of important milestones that have gotten my wife and I to this point and I feel very fortunate to be in the situation we are in.  I know many others who, through various challenges – career, health, and family – have not been as lucky as we are.  It has also taken a lot of effort and planning on our part.

Read about all of the key milestones we took on our MILESTONE PAGE.

I’ll let you know next week how my last couple days finished up!

32 thoughts on “FIRE Station Fun – Final Day Of Work

    1. Thanks for the well wishes, Lance – I don’t know what I’ll have to write about anymore. 😃


  1. Hooray! Well done Mr FS! I’ve been keenly watching your progress towards your big day, knowing that I’m only about six weeks behind. Will be interesting to see how my experiences differ from yours over this time. I assume you cracked open the McCallan yesterday?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. For me, the last six months went both fast and slow at times. Looking back, it all looks old fast. When will you give notice?


      1. It’s been similar for me. Sometimes it has felt as though time was going backwards however. I’m one of those people who actually does hate their job (banking). It’s not constantly grim but there are days when it is truly soul destroying… But anyways, to cut a long story sideways- I have two weeks leave starting today and then plan to work for two weeks until the end of April before I hand in my notice of 30 days. Mrs Earl has already given notice but for her it’s 90 days rather than my 30. Even quitting second, I’ll be out first at end-May while she’ll only be free about 3 weeks after that. I’m sure it will all seem like it passed like the blink of an eye – I jut need a little perspective


      2. Well, you are definitely in the home stretch! It sounds like you really only have two weeks of “real work” left (after your leave and before your 30 day notice). For me, giving notice was the BIG deal. Once it’s announced, work becomes REALLY easy! Enjoy! 🙂


    2. Oh … We had a bottle of Dom Perignon yesterday. I had it ‘waiting’ for more than a decade!


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