Small, Positive Habits

My son was talking to my wife and I about the power of small, positive habits in our lives. The importance of getting the basics right amid our busy lives.

I had saved a Reddit thread of these exact things a few weeks ago. Over 2,000 people commented on the little changes that “made a significant difference” for them.

Here they are in ranked order …

✓ Daily Push-Ups & Sit-Ups

✓ Make To-Do Lists

✓ Don’t Put Things Down, Put Things Away

✓ Keep Water Always Nearby

✓ Practice Gratitude – Say Thanks, Even To Yourself – Whenever Possible

✓ Get Up 30 Minutes Earlier Each Morning

✓ Get New Socks & Shoes If You Haven’t In A While

✓ Take A Walk Every Single Day

✓ Put Out Your Things For The Next Morning

✓ Stretch After Waking Up

✓ Don’t Hit The Snooze Button

✓ Go To Gym 3x / Week

✓ Spend 5 Minutes Planning Your Day

✓ Stop Drinking “Too Much” Alcohol

✓ Wash Dishes As You Cook

✓ Open The Blinds Every Morning

✓ Use A Timer To Commit To A Task For At Least 5 Minutes

✓ Set Aside 30 Minutes To Read

✓ Talk To Yourself As You Would A Friend Needing Encouragement

✓ Water Flowers Every Morning

✓ Take A Nap

✓ Sit In The Sun For 15 Minutes

✓ Take Shower With Cold Water

✓ Keep Opinions To Yourself

✓ Go To Bed At Consistent Time

✓ Make Bed Every Morning

✓ Journal Things You Are Thankful For Each Day

✓ If It Takes <2 Minutes, Just Do It Now

✓ Start Cycling To Work

✓ Look For The Sunrise / Sunset Each Day

✓ Make Dinner Plans With Someone On A Weeknight Each Week

✓ Always Put Your Keys & Wallet In The Same Spot

✓ Meditate / Pray For A Few Minutes Before Bedtime

✓ Cut Out Fast Food

✓ Use Your Phone To Set Timed Reminders

These are great ideas that I follow most days, except drinking alcohol and keeping my opinions to myself. Those two seem related! 🙂

The one thing I might add to the list is “Always be learning something new.” A new hobby, a new subject, or a new challenge of some sort. Everyone benefits from new activities.

What would you add to the list that isn’t covered?

Image: Pixabay

4 thoughts on “Small, Positive Habits

  1. Here is one surely every one of your readers practices. Spend less than you make.

    I would like to add get outside everyday. This one came from astronauts working in the space station, and was the advice they gave during the Covid lockdowns.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! “Spend less than you make” might seem like a BIG thing to some people, but I’m sure I did it almost every day of my career. It’s a small, positive habit that is very, very powerful!

      Liked by 1 person

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