Outside … From Dawn To Dusk

Since Roman times, they have described August as the “Dog Days” of Summer. Our little pupper, Riley, hasn’t gotten the message. When it is hot or humid outside, he prefers to stay inside … snoozing where it’s nice and cool.

On Tuesday this week, I was up early to take him for a walk. The heat of the day had not settled in yet, so he was happy to trot along. When I got home, I fed him breakfast and mowed the front lawn. After that, I was off on my weekly ‘Bikes & Brews’ tour with my buddies, we stopped for a round of disc golf, and sat outside at three different breweries/pubs. As the sun started to set, I met up with my Dad and brothers, and we went to see our AAA St. Paul Saints hit some home runs.

By the time I got home at night, I had been outside for almost 14 hours. I was only inside when I was driving from one activity to another. Even then, between my convertible sports car, topless/doors-off Jeep, and SUV with a giant sunroof, even when I’m driving I am getting some sun.

Certainly anyone that knew me in the working world, before we made our FIRE escape, knew that I was not a big outdoorsy person. Like our dog, I was happy to be inside on a bright sunny day. I guess that shows you how much early retirement can change you. Almost every day this week, I spent a majority of my time outside.

It is quite a lifestyle shift and not one that I ever planned for or expected. I guess that is one of the joyful surprises of early retirement. You have the chance to find a person inside of you that you didn’t know was there.

Have you become more of an outdoors person in early retirement?

Image: (c) MrFireStation; CHS Field, St Paul MN

2 thoughts on “Outside … From Dawn To Dusk

  1. My wife and I have always been outdoors people. When I used to work in an office, I used to envy the gardeners working outside on perfect days. Since retiring my outdoor time has increased.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep. Landscapers don’t make much, but they work hard and have a great office. I wonder what the highest-paying outdoor profession might be? Major League Baseball Pitcher? 🙂


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