Wake Up Times

I was at our dentist earlier this week and he was asking me if I had seen the beautiful pre-sunrise colors that morning. I guess there were crazy orange & golden sun rays that lit up the clouds and vividly set off the autumn foliage.

Unfortunately, I had missed them. I said, “no, I don’t work, so I don’t really see the sun come up much anymore”. I used to see sunrise quite a bit when I was working, but my schedule has changed a lot.

It got me thinking about how different my wake up times compares with other people. I found this interesting chart online, from Edison Research. I typically get up between 7:30a and 8:15a, depending if I am taking the puppy out, or my wife is. When I was working, I got up like most people, between 6a-6:30a.

What is your wake up time and how does it compare?

Have A Great Weekend!

8 thoughts on “Wake Up Times

  1. Lately I have been getting up at 5:30am, the alarm doesn’t go off until 5:50am, maybe my body is getting ready for the “fall back” daylight saving time change that is coming.

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    1. I would have thought 5:30a is incredibly early, but it looks like about 20-25% of people are getting up at about that time. I had forgotten about DST coming to an end soon (11/7). Always nice to get an extra ‘sleep in’ morning!


  2. Unless im out late for some reason or working at night, I try to get up around 5 or 530am. It just feels good to get up earlier. I usually take the morning time slow with reading online etc but then Im ready to go sooner on anything else I want to accomplish and get done. I mostly gave up late night TV (and TV in general).

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  3. 0600-0615 thanks to a dog that demands that I rise. I have always been an early riser and if no dog I would wake 0630-0700. I am rarely awake at 10:00 pm as we only watch streaming or recorded stuff on DVR. We are going on a cruise next month and likely I will be walking on the deck at 0700.

    I get frustrated if the newspaper Wall Street Journal and LA Times print edition doesn’t arrive before 0700.


    1. I’m happy that our dog, Riley, is almost as lazy as I am. He sleeps from 9p to 7:30a each night. Waking up early on a cruise is pretty fun. A lot of people sleep in from partying the night before. It’s fun to have the ship for yourself and see the ship’s staff get everything set up for the day.


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