The American Tipping Contagion

We got to Europe last week and on the first day had a great lunch with another American couple we were paired up with at a garden table. Alex was an accountant from Albuquerque who was often in Europe, with an American client in Germany.

Before the bill came, I asked him to remind me what the tipping custom was. He said to simply round up to the nearest 5-Euro mark, or 5-10%. That’s typical to what I’ve learned from travel books, too. As Rick Steves says, “if your tip speaks big at home, muzzle it on your travels.”

Still the urge is to “help” hospitality workers wherever you are. My wife sometimes feels bad as I leave a European-sized tip, asking “is that enough?” At the same time, I don’t want to ‘corrupt’ Europe with the way things work in the USA.

Most would agree that tipping is out of control in the USA. Even our Italian bike guide agrees. Let’s not spread the tipping contagion with our travels! How do you handle tipping when you are overseas?

Here’s a meme for the USA …

Image Credit: Pixabay

2 thoughts on “The American Tipping Contagion

  1. Now when you pay at a credit card terminal or buy food online using their app, it prompts you for the 18% – 22% tip just for takeout. Its ridiculous. I select the Custom choice and enter 0 or a lower amount for take out like $2.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Agree! You don’t get a tip from me for taking an order. I did the “custom” for 0% just yesterday!


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