Post-College ‘Raise’?

We are very proud of our son who graduated from college this past weekend with his degree in computer science. He finished ‘on-time’ – completing his studies 4 years after first walking through these arches as a Freshman. He’s all set to start working a week from today as a software/web developer at a local software company. He interned there last summer and got a … Continue reading Post-College ‘Raise’?

College Savings Completely Spent

University classes started for my son last week and today we went into his 529 College Savings Plan to transfer money to the college for his tuition.  Surprise – after paying for his Fall Semester’s tuition, the account is now empty! We started saving for his college tuition when he was just a baby, so this is a pretty big personal finance milestone.  Other than … Continue reading College Savings Completely Spent

Save For Retirement Before College?

One of the many ‘rules’ most financial experts advise is saving for your own retirement before saving for your kids’ post-secondary education.  The idea is like when you are on a plane – you should put on your own oxygen mask before helping your little ones with theirs.  The curiously paradoxical thing about this financial advice is that no one I have ever met seems … Continue reading Save For Retirement Before College?

FIRE Station Fun – Back To Campus

We dropped our son off at college yesterday to start his sophomore year.  Naturally, I am reflective this morning about him and his adventures.   He really had a productive summer.  He worked part-time at a retail store and took three summer classes to get ahead on his Bachelor’s degree.  My wife an I were astounded at how responsible he is.  We met when we were … Continue reading FIRE Station Fun – Back To Campus

Retire Before Children Head Off To College?

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Well, it looks like “the Boy” – our seventeen year-old son is set for where he wants to go to college. I’ve written before on the cost of college, but wanted to share a little bit about how we have saved & planned for his matriculation into post-secondary education. Many people can’t conceive of retiring before your kids are done with college, but I feel confident that we are well set in that department.  How did we do it? Continue reading “Retire Before Children Head Off To College?”