Health Insurance Rebate In The Mail

It was about 10 months ago I wrote my ‘first take’ on where 2019 Health Insurance premiums were likely to come in.  It was good news and I was surprised to learn that our premiums were falling by $4K from the year before.  I called it a ‘first take’, because I wasn’t sure the benefit would actually come through. Fortunately it has, as you can … Continue reading Health Insurance Rebate In The Mail

College Savings Completely Spent

University classes started for my son last week and today we went into his 529 College Savings Plan to transfer money to the college for his tuition.  Surprise – after paying for his Fall Semester’s tuition, the account is now empty! We started saving for his college tuition when he was just a baby, so this is a pretty big personal finance milestone.  Other than … Continue reading College Savings Completely Spent

Travel Medical Insurance

We’re heading on our big trip of the year next month and I’ve been looking into our health insurance coverage.  I’ve taken dozens of overseas trips for fun or for work over the years, but I’ve honestly never bothered to understand how I was covered for any medical issues. Recently, a of couple situations came up that caused me to rethink my ‘ignorance is bliss’ … Continue reading Travel Medical Insurance